Saturday, August 04, 2007

At LAST! (Well, sort of...)

We have been working diligently to get Noah to poop on the toilet, but have had no success... until today, that is! Usually when we ask him if he will poop on the potty, he says "No, I have to get bigger first". We have asked his pediatrician in front of him if he is big enough to poop on the toilet, and she told us that he is; we have spent entire days setting the timer every half hour and then getting him to sit on the toilet, but he manages to do his thing between 'sessions'; we have even BRIBED him (for shame!) with a really great toy if he will do it, but he refuses, and we end up with a poopy diaper when we're not looking. This saga has been going on for, literally, months.
Today, however, Noah was sitting on the toilet to pee, when he said (very excitedly) "Mommy, I'm going to try to poop right now. I FEEL it!" So of course we rushed in, told him "Way to GO! You can DO it!" and held our breaths. Immediately we heard something hit the water, but when we looked in, what did we see but the world's smallest poop, ever. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I guess this is typically Noah - everything at his own pace (and size...).


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